The company Petko Petkov-24 Ltd. follows and assists in the observance of internationally recognized human rights and considers protection of integrity, health, rights and well-being of its employees and the environment as elements of primary and fundamental importance in the exercise and development of its activity.
For these purposes, the company is committed to:
- to manage its activities in the field of health and safety at work, labor law, environment according to the highest international standards;
- to communicate and disseminate information on health and safety at work, the right to work and environmental protection to internal and external stakeholders by discussing and cooperating with them;
- to promote the use of the most modern technologies in order to achieve the highest health and safety working conditions and environmental protection;
- to assess and limit the environmental impact of its products and services throughout their life cycle;
- to use resources responsibly with a view to achieving sustainable development in protection of the environment and the rights of future generations;
- not to use or support the use of child and forced labor;
- to ensure equal opportunity and freedom of association, promoting the development of each person;
- to counteract the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse;
- to comply with applicable laws and industry standards for working hours and to ensure that wages are sufficient to meet the basic needs of staff;
- to determine and maintain the necessary procedures for evaluating and selecting suppliers and customers based on their level of social and environmental responsibility;
- not to tolerate any type of corruption in any jurisdiction in any form or manner;
- to involve all levels of organization and all employees of the company in this cause, ensuring that responsibility and operating procedures are precisely articulated, appropriately communicated and clearly understood.