The company was founded and focused on Bulgarian market in 1992. Production activity of the company started on a small scale in 1999 and was concentrated in production of industrial pipelines, metal structures, pressure vessels, parts for the heavy machine industry and Thermal Power Plants. Petko Petkov-24 Ltd., Radnevo, has a workshop for production of metal structures, air ducts, prefabrication of pipelines and heavy machine spare parts, located in the city of Radnevo. Over the years, our specialists have gained experience and put a lot of responsibility into production details.
Petko Petkov-24 has permit № СТ163 dated 02.08.2017 issued by State Agency for Metrology and Technical Supervision Sofia for repair, reconstruction, maintenance /service/ of: Energy steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels – І–ІV category, steam and hot water pipelines – І–ІV category, gas equipment and installations for natural gas and propane-butane gas and lifting equipment.
During its existence, the company has actively participated in carrying out medium, major repairs of Boilers types ПК–38–4, Еп–670–140 and ОР 380. It has performed repair works on Coal pulverizing system /PF plants/, Heating surfaces, high and low pressure pipelines and vessels, Repair and installation of Electrostatic precipitators, Air re-heaters, Oil tanks, Mill fans impellers, Slag removal system, Installation of heavy machinery and mining equipment, etc.
Petko Petkov-24 Ltd. Radnevo has on its disposal managers and experts with high professional skills and capability of taking correct decisions. Most of them have many years of practice and a lot of experience. Repair works have always been done on time and with very high quality in accordance with technical conditions and factory standards and safe working conditions.
Main Activity
Production and installation of metal structures, pipelines, pressure vessels, production
of spare parts, repair, maintenance, refurbishment and reconstruction of power
equipment. Execution of all types of construction and installation works.
Petko Petkov – 24 Ltd. specializes in repair of Boiler equipment, which includes heating surfaces, pipelines, powder preparation systems, air heater, electrostatic precipitator, rotating mechanisms and other auxiliary equipment in Thermal Power Plants (TPP):
In recent years, the company has expanded its activities in many other outdoor sites and various Thermal Power Plants (TPP).
Main participation in construction of machinery and steel structures at the following sites: construction of a gas cleaning plant for production of sulfuric acid in Aurubis AD Pirdop, construction of a completely new plant for primary processing of gold ore in Krumovgrad contractor Dundee Precious Metals AD Bulgaria, construction of a new electrostatic precipitator to a fireclay furnace, assignor Kaolin EAD – part of Quarzwerke Group GmbH.
The company also participates in the overhaul of Lukoil Neftohim Burgas section for fuel production (section 310), participation in refurbishment works at the cement production plant in Devnya Cement AD.
Petko Petkov-24 Ltd. staff numbers about 170 people, and the work positions include: engineers, technical managers, foremen, oxygen workers, welders, forklift drivers, crane operators, suppliers, drivers and administrative staff.